Would you Buy Wool from this Sheep?

This is Maddy, she is a rescue and she wants you to buy her wool. Not right now because she is growing it out for next spring. She is taking special care to wear a coat at all times, insuring a vegetable matter-free fleece. She came here by way of my friend Heather, she had not been sheared for over two years and her hooves were so bad, it was hard for her to walk. Her breed is Old English Babydoll Southdown, we are keeping our fingers crossed that her wool will be as advertised by the Babydoll association. As fine as the finest Merino! I did card up what was usable wool from shearing and made a fab hat. She is named after my mothers late friend Maddy, so the hat will go to mom this month for her birthday. I will be spinning up a crap load of Maddy next summer and knit as many hats as I can sell. Look at that face, how could you not want her wool?
Oh, me, me. I want her wool. It will make beautiful wear!!!